Conversion rates. We want them high and we want them now.

But how can we make our websites more effective at producing them? Even at the beginning of our sales funnel we still need to be closing. Or more accurately, be converting.

So what’s in the secret sauce? It’s right under your nose – a great landing page. 1 in 10 people who make it to a landing page will become potential customers or leads. Read that again. This is important stuff, and here at Kooba we have the recipe you need.

Picture this, your dream customer has navigated onto your website with high attention and a little curiosity. Every bit of brand real estate needs to be working hard. When they look at your very first website page, this is the first (and arguably most important) opportunity to communicate your product value. First impressions count, so to help you scrub up well, we’ve got 5 wonderfully well-proven practices to land a great landing page (sorry, couldn’t resist).

  1. Match your message – The art of conversation is a fine thing and that also goes for digital communication as well. It is tricky enough to get people’s attention in the first place so when you do have it make sure you are precisely communicating your message. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience: what are they thinking? What do they want? And then give it to them. They have a problem to solve and you are supposedly the solution. So make sure that your landing page messaging makes that clear up front. And most importantly the message is cohesive with any active advertising campaigns. Consistency is key when it comes to delivering a message.
  2. Design for every device - Don’t let your landing page let you down on mobile. It should look flawless across desktop, mobile and tablet. In fact mobile compatibility is much more vital for performance due to browsing trends, so make sure you’re meeting users where they are. A lot of plug-and-play landing page solutions have this feature built in – so no excuses!
  3. The power of the fold – We don’t want any user to abandon a landing page because they didn’t see the next step. And just like an email, you want to make sure when someone is clicking through, the important stuff is visible first. Keep your key CTAs above the fold, so your audience doesn’t have to scroll to find a button, ensuring your user knows exactly what you want them to do. And help them find it quickly.
  4. Mind your Ps & Qs -Humans love confirmation, and coming off the dodgy websites of the 90s, we don’t always trust that they’ve worked the way we need them to. So include a thank you page after someone has submitted their details. Once someone lands on your page and completes an action, give them that visual confirmation that you safely have their information. Don’t leave them wondering if the form they have just filled out was recorded. Recognise their input and reward their effort. To be successful is what everyone wants, even if it is just typing their name correctly into a field.
  5. Building landing pages for SEO – A successful landing page is one that people land on. To make sure your website and landing page are being seen in the first place (including all the important points above) give a quick overhaul to your SEO every once and a while. Consider editing your URL to contain keywords that are often searched for; make sure your image titles have keywords and correct descriptions; and try to backlink as much as possible, linking back from your blog and affiliate partners to your landing page.

Think of your landing page as a conversion page to steer the user toward the desired action: signing up to the mailing list, getting a call back – whatever the next easy step in your sales journey is – get it on the landing page. The people you’re targeting won’t convert themselves into potential customers. To do that, you’ll need a quality landing page. Fill out our project planner now to optimise your landing pages with our help and convert those visitors.

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